About Me

Meet Racquel

Welcome! I’m so happy you are here.

My passion is teaching people that happiness and peace is an:


My journey towards emotional/mental health started when my family life experienced many moments of immense hardship and struggle. My husband and I were married at a young age and had a baby on the way. We both came from emotionally dysfunctional upbringings (no shame or blame here, just speaking facts) and carried this dysfunction into our own family of three children. This left us feeling resentful, unhappy, and hopeless.

I learned about traditional EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) through a close friend who knew about our family struggles. I started having sessions with a practitioner and experienced great results, but I wanted to learn more. I stumbled across Faster EFT/Eutaptics which introduced me to Memory Reconsolidation, NLP, EMDR, and other Brain Retraining modalities. I got my certification in Eutaptics, and from that point on, I continued to learn more and more about how emotions affect our physical body and how neurons in the brain are connected to the production of happy or stressful chemicals in the body. This greatly fascinated me and increased my hunger for learning. Since then, I’ve learned about Internal Family Systems, the Remmert Method, Generational Trauma work, and other neuroscience methods which I use in sessions with my clients.

Through the use of these tools, I have successfully processed many of my past, emotionally painful experiences and transformed old, self-limiting beliefs into feelings of confidence, compassion for others and inner-peace. My husband and I have transformed our marriage and our relationships with our children. We have been married for 22 years!